Reflecting on 2020, I can honestly say that I am thankful for #health. This has been a year full of surprises, highs and lows. So much has happened in only 12 months, but we have a loving Father that carried us through.
We can easily go and describe this year as challenging or we can take the moments, turn them into monuments and something of value which can flourish and be powerful in the next year.
When it comes to ending a year with purpose, here are a few things I have found to be true:
A THANKFUL HEART FOR WHAT THE LORD HAS GIVEN YOU. Take some time and write everything down that you are thankful for. New hope and joy are ignited in you when you have a #thankful heart.
You can pass through his open gates with the password of praise. Come right into his presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to him and affectionately bless his beautiful name! Psalm 100:4 TPT
REFLECTING ON THE SEASON THAT YOU ARE IN. At the end of every year, I choose one word that describes the theme of the past year. I also take some time to have a "Reflecting Session" in my journal to remind myself of what the Lord has done.
BUILDING BLOCKS FOR THE NEXT YEAR. It is very important to live a life with intention. Decide on 3 realistic goals for the next 12 months. Share it with someone so that you can be accountable. Living with intention gives us this huge opportunity to not just getting through our days but live our days.
May you have a #blessed 2021. Walk into this new year with confidence in who you are and Whose you are!